Veneto, Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Folk Sayings or Proverbs on Love -- by Region -- Veneto
o in Italian: (Dialect) Le femene xe: sante in casa, anzoli in strada, diavoli in casa, al balcon civete e su la porta le xe gazete.
o in English: Women are: saints at home, angels on the road, devils at home, on the balcony, flirts and between the doorways: gossips.
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: The following list of proverbs about love and marriage was taken from the book,"Polyglot Foreign Proverbs, comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish, with English Translations" by Henry G. Bohn (London: Bell & Daldy York Street Covent Garden, 1867) available for free at www.books.google.ca.
I. Alle belle donne le pin volte toccano i brutti uomini.
E. Handsome women generally fall to the lot of ugly men.
I. Al lume di lucerna ogni rustica par bella.
E. By lamplight every country wench seems handsome.
I. Ama 1'amico tuo col vizio suo.
E. Love your friend with his faults.
I. Amami poco, ma continua.
E. Love me little and love me long.
I. Amaute non sia chi coraggio non ha.
E. Let him not be a lover who has not courage.
I. Amato non sarai, se a te solo penserai.
E. You will not be loved if you think of yourself alone.
I. Amicizia riconciliata piaga mal saldata.
E. Reconciled friendship is a wound ill salved.
I. Amico da sternuti, il piu che se ne cava e un Dio ti aiuti.
E. He's a friend at sneezing-time, and the most that can be got
from him is a "God bless you."
I. Amico d' ognuuo, amico di nessuno.
E. Everybody's friend, nobody' s friend.
I. Amico, e guardati.
E. Friend, and look to thyself
I. Amor dk per mercede gelosia e rotta fede.
E. Love's merchandise is jealousy and broken faith.
I. Amor e cieco ma vede da lontano.
E. Love is blind but sees afar.
I. Amor e il vero prezzo con cui si compra am ore.
E. Love is the true price at which love is bought.
I. Amor e signoria non voglion compagnia.
E. Love and lordship like not fellowship.
I. Amor non conosce travaglio.
E. Love knows not labour.
I. Amor regge senza legge.
E. Love rules without law.
I. Amor, tosse, e fumo malamente si nascondono.
E. Love, a cough, and smoke, are hard to hide.
I. Amor vero non diventa mai cannto.
E. True love never grows old.
I. Amor vuol fede, e fede vuol fermezza.
E. Love demands faith, and faith firmness.
I. Assenza nemica di amore; quanto lontan dall' occbio, tanto
dal cuore.
E. Absence is a foe to love; out of sight out of mind.
I. Beata colei che di vecchio pazzo s' innamora.
E. Happy is she who is in love with an old dotard.
I. Chi ama, crede.
E. Who loves, believes.
I. Chi ama 1' arbore, ama il ramo.
E. Who loves the tree loves the branch.
I. Chi ama me, ama il mio cane.
E. Love me, love my dog.
I. Chi ama, teme.
E. Who loves, fears.
I. Chi ben ama, ben gastiga.
E. Who loves well chastises well.
I. Chi ha amor nel petto, ha lo sprone a' flanchi.
E. Who has love in his heart has spurs in his sides.
I. Contro amore non e consiglio.
E. Counsel is nothing against love.
I. Di tutte le arti maestro e amore.
E. Love is master of all arts.
I. Dove e grand' amore, quivi e gran dolore.
E. Where there is great love there is great pain.
I. Dove non e egualita, mai perfetto amor sara.
E. Where there is not equality there never can be perfect love.
I. La borsa degli amanti va legata con fil di ragno.
E. Lovers' purses are tied with cobwebs.
I. Lontano dagli occhi, lontano dal cuore.
E. Far from the eyes, far from the heart.
I. Nella guerra d' amor vince chifugge.
E. In the war of love who flies conquers.
I. Non c'e amor senza gelosia.
E. There is no love without jealousy.
I. Ogni disuguaglianza amore agguaglia.
E. Love levels all inequalities.
I. Pensano gl' innamorati che gli altri siano ciechi.
E. Lovers think others are blind.
I. Qual e 1'amante, tal e 1' amata.
E. As is the lover so is the beloved.
I. Sdegno cresce amore.
E. Anger increases love.
I. Sdegno d' arnante poco dura.
E. A lover's anger is short-lived.
I. Tanto e morir di male quauto d'amore.
E. It is all one whether you die of sickness or of love.
I. Homo amaute, uomo zelante.
E. A loving man, a jealous man.
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: The following list was taken from the book, "Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages" classified by subject, arranged alphabetically, compiled by Robert Christy (New York: Putnam's Sons, 1887).
35. He loves well who never forgets. Italian. Sp.
57. It is all one whether you die of sickness or love. Ital.
62. Love, a cough, smoke, and money cannot long be hid. Italian.
67. Love and lordship like no fellowship. Fr. Italian.
89. Love gives for guerdon jealousy, and broken faith. Italian.
100. Love is an excuse for its own faults. Italian.
104. Love is blind but sees afar. Italian.
114. Love is the true price at which love is bought. Italian.
115. Love is without prudence and anger without counsels. Italian.
120. Love knows not labor. Italian.
122. Love levels all inequalities. Italian.
128. Love me little and love me long. French, Italian, Dan.
129. Love me, love my dog. Italian.
135. Love rules his kingdom without a sword. Italian.
136. Love rules without law. Italian.
153. Love's merchandise is broken faith. Ital.
228. True love never grows hoary. Italian.
250. Who loves believes, who loves fears. Italian.
252. Who loves the tree, loves the branch. Italian.
253. Who loves well chastises well. Fr. Italian
255. Who would be loved must love. Italian.
261. You will not be loved if you think of no one but yourself. Sp. Italian.
1. A cold lover is a faithless friend. Italian.
8. As is the lover so is the beloveds Ital.
14. Let him not be a lover who has no courage. Italian.
20. Lovers' purses are tied with cobwebs. Italian.
23. Lovers think others blind. Italian. Sp. | Contributed by: Courtesy of www.archive.org
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: The following list of proverbs about love and marriage was taken from the book, "Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages" arranged in the following order: English, Romanian, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese and Latin" by Mrs. E. B. Mawr (London: Elliot Stock, 1885).
E. At night all cats are grey.
I. Ogni cuffia e buona per la notte.
E. Faint heart never won fair Lady.
I. Non dee seguir amor chi non ha valore.
E. Familiarity breeds contempt.
I. La troppa familiarita genera disprezzo.
E. Love, Smoke, and a Cough are hard to hide.
I. Amor, tosse, e fumo, malamente si nascondono.
E. Love is blind.
I. Amor e cieco, ma vede da lontano.
E. Love me little, love me long.
I. Ama mi poco, ma continua.
E. Love makes labour light.
I. Amor non conosce travaglio.
E. Love me, love my Dog.
I. Chi ama me, ama il mio cane.
E. Least said, soonest mended.
I. Chi parla assai, falla spesso.
E. Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.
I. Chi erra in fretta, a bell' agio si pente.
E. Marriages are made in Heaven.
I. Nozze, e magistrato, Dal Ciel e destinato.
E. Marry your son when you wish, your daughter when you can.
I. Casa il figlio quando vuoi, e la figlia quando puoi.
E. Stolen pleasures are sweetest.
I. I frutti probiti sono i piu dolci.
E. When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of
the window.
I. La poverty guasta l'amista.
E. What the eye sees not, the heart obeys not.
I. Se occhio non mira, cuor non sos pira.
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: The following list of proverbs about love and marriage comes from the book, "Select Proverbs, Italian, Spanish, French, English Scottish, British, etc. chiefly moral, the foreign languages done into English," edited by John Mapletoft (London: J.H. for P. Monckton, 1707).
E. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present.
I. Configlio di chie ti vuol bene, serivilo anchor che ti paia male.
E. Love can do much, but scorn or disdain can do more.
I. Amor puo affair, ma piu lo sdegno.
E. There is no discretion in love, nor counsel in anger.
I. Amor non ha sapienza, e ira non ha consiglio.
E. How can the cat help it if the maid be a fool?
I. Chen e puo la gattta fe la maffara e mata?
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: The following Italian proverbs were taken from "A BOOK OF QUOTATIONS PROVERBS AND HOUSEHOLD WORDS, a Collection of Quotations from British and American Authors, Ancient and Modem; with many Thousands of Proverbs, Familiar Phrases and Sayings, from all sources, including Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and other Languages" by W. GURNEY BENHAM (PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY & London: CASSELL & Company, 1907).
Ital. Chi ama, orede.
Eng. Who loves, believes.
Ital. Chi ama, teme.
Eng. Who loves, fears.
Ital. Amor cieco ma vede da lontano.
Eng. Love is blind but sees afar.
Ital. Di tutte le art! maestro amore.
Eng. Love is master of all arts.
Ital. Amor tutti eguaglia.
Eng. Love makes all equal.
Ital. Amor vero non diventa mai canito.
Eng. True love never becomes grey.
Ital. Chi pui dir com' cgli arJo, in picoiol fusco.
Eng. To be able to say how much you love is to love but little. (Petrarch).
Ital. Che non pui la gatta se la massala matta.
Eng. How can the cat help it if the maid is a fool?
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: The following list of Italian proverbs was taken from the book, "Proverbi Spiegati al Popolo" edited by Fanny Ghedini Bortolotti (Milan: Treves, 1869). The English translations were done by Mary Melfi with help from Google's free translation service, www.translate.google.com. For Ghedini's "Proverbi Spegati al Popolo" visit www.archive.org.
55. E. He who resembles you, you'll take.
I. Chi si assomiglia si piglia.
57. E. Each screw wants his pole (Each one is looking for his match).
I. Ogni vite vuole il suo palo.
58. E. Those who chose their partners for love, will leave each other out of anger.
I. Chi per amore si piglia, per rabbia si lascia.
| Contributed by: English translations, Mary Melfi; Italian text, courtesy of www.archive.org
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Italy | Date: n.d. | Notes: The following list of Italian proverbs and sayings about love, marriage and family relationships was taken from the book, "Proverbi Italiani, ordinati e illustrate," compiled by Francesco D'Ambra (Florence: Adeiano Balani, 1886). The translations were done by Mary Melfi with the help of Google's free translation service at www.translate.google. com. For D'Ambro's complete copyright-free text visit www.archive.org.
E. Those who love are reunited.
I. Chi si vuol bene si rincontra.
E. Love has no wisdom, and anger has no counsel.
I. Amor non ha sapienza, e l'ira non ha consiglio.
E. Great thoughts and great deeds come from the heart.
I. Grandi pensieri e i grandi fatti vengono dal cuore.
E. New loves make you forget the old ones.
I. Gli amor nuovi fanno dimenticare i vecchi.
E. A sick heart does not feel right (meaning the heart is not wrong).
I. Cuore malato non sente ragione (Il cuore non sbaglia).
E. That which is beautiful is not beautiful, what is beautiful is what one likes (Meaning, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder).
I. Non bello quel eh' bello, ma bello quel che piace.
E. Ama chi t'ama, e rispondi a chi ti chiama.
I. Ama chi t'ama, e chi non t'ama lascia e
You love whom you love, respond to he who calls.
You love whom you love, and who does not love you, leave.
E. Who loves you with a good heart, hold tight and embrace.
I. Chi t'ama di buon cuore strighi e abbraccia.
E. To love and not be loved is time lost.
I. Amare e non essere amato tempo pefso.
E. Love me a little, but continuously.
I. Amami poco, ma continua.
E. Without courage, you can't love.
I. Amante non sia chi coraggio non ha.
E. Love at a glance, flash in the pan.
I. Amor di ganza, fuoco di paglia.
E. Love is blind, but can see be seen from afar.
I. Amore cieco, e vede da lontano.
E. Love is one-eyed, but he can see a lot.
I. Amore orbo, ma vede anche troppo.
E. Love and jealousy were born together.
I. Amore e gelosia nacquero insieme.
E. Love, pain and money cannot be concealed.
I. Amor, dolori e danari non posson star celati.
E. Love is a sugar pill.
I. Amore una pillola inzuccherata.
E. Love creates love, cruelty makes tyranny.
I. Amore fa amore, e crudelt fa tirannia.
E. Love knows no measure.
I. Amore non conosce misura
E. Love passes through seven walls.
I. L'amore passa sette muri.
E. Love is not without bitterness.
I. Amore non senza amaro.
E. Love cannot be bought or sold.
I. Amore non si compra n si vende
E. You can't buy love at the market.
I. Amore non si trova al mercato.
E. New love comes and goes, but the old remains.
I. Amore nuvo va e viene, ed il vecchio si mantiene.
E. Old love does not rust.
I. Amore vecchio non fa ruggine.
E. A love that is honest is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is it a sin.
I. Amore onorato n vergogna n peccato.
E. Love needs faith, and faith needs firmness.
I. Amore vuol fede, e fede vuol fermezza.
E. The love of a nun and almond flowers.
I. Amori di monaca e fiori di mandorlo
E. Beauty locks in the heart.
I. Bella faccia il cuore allaccia.
E. It's best to love those one is not obligated.
I. Ben ama chi non oblia.
E. The kick of the stallone does not hurt the horse.
I. Calcio di stallone non fa male alla cavalla.
E. Who loves, believes.
I. Chi ama crede.
E. Whom one loves, one believes.
I. A chi s'ama si crede.
E. Where love reigns, error is not known.
I. Dove regna amore, non si conosce errore.
E. Those who love me, love my dog.
I. Chi ama me, ama il mio cane.
E. Who does not love has no heart.
I. Chi non ama non ha cuore.
E. He has no money doesn't make love
because love makes much but money all.
I. Chi non ha denari non faccia all'amore 'perch.
Amore fa molto, il denaro fa tutto.
E. Who loses his stuff loses a lot, but who loses his heart loses everything.
I. Chi perde la roba perde molto, ma chi perde il cuore
perde tutto.
E. Those who suffer for love don't feel any pain.
I. Chi soffre per amor non sente pene.
E. Who wants to keep his love hidden is blasphemed
I. Chi vuol l'amor celato lo tenga bestemmiato.
E. Where there is love, the eye corrects.
I. Dove r amore l'occhio corre.
E. The eye attracts love.
I. L'occhio attira l'amore.
E. Frenzy, jealousy, heresy,
Never are healed by any way.
I. Frenesia, gelosia, eresia,
Mai son sanate per alcuna via.
E. Men are April when they make love,
December when they are married.
I. Gli uomini sono aprile quando fanno all'amore,
Dicembre quando hanno sposato.
E. Beware of the three Cs, cousins, in-laws and relatives.
I. Guardati da tre C, cugini, cognati e compari.
E. From loving, it's the first who lives, and ultimately who dies.
I. D core il primo che vive e l'ultimo che muore.
E. The first love one never forgets.
I. D primo amore non si scorda mai.
E. The first loves are the best.
I. I primi amori sono i migliori.
E. Out of sight, out of mind.
I. Lontan dagli occhi, lontan dal cuore.
E. Love does not offer honor to anyone, but to everyone, pain.
I. L'amore a nessuno fa onore a tutti fa dolore.
E. Wherever he goes, you find his wife.
I. Dove egli va trova la sua signora.
E. Love during carival, dies during lent.
I. L'amore di carnevale muore in quaresima.
E. Love is not so much under the wool, but under the silk.
I. L'amore s trova tanto sotto la lana che sotto la seta.
E. The feeling of love is the same for everyone.
I. 11 sentimento dell'amore eguale per tutti.
E. Hatre is as blind as love.
I. L'odio cieco come l'amore.
E. Every love has its costs.
I. Ogni amore ha la sua spesa.
E. When you love, you are always afraid.
I. Quando si vuol bene si ha sempre paura.
E. Don't leave her alone for too long.
I. Non la lasciare troppo libera di s stessa.
E. Even the ugly and old go, and even more quickly than the other.
I. Ma anche la brutte e le vecchie ci vanno, e pi spesso
delle altre.
E. You're not going to love if all you think of is yourself.
I. Amato non sarai se a te solo penserai.
E. Who divides the bed, divides affection.
I. Chi si divide di letto divide 1'affetto.
E. A woman is like a chestnut beautiful outside, and inside, good enough to eat.
I. La donna come la castagna; bella di fuori e dentro la magagna.
E. A woman is like one's appetite, it comes with the time.
I. La donna come l'appetito, va contentata a tempo.
E. He doesn't know what love is, doesn't know the value of kindness.
I. Non sa quel che sia amor, non sa che vaglia la caritade.
E. Where there are girls in love it's needful to keep the doors locked.
I. Dove ci son ragazze innamorate, e inutile tener porte serrate.
E. A girl is like a pearl, the more you see, the more beautiful she is.
I. La ragazza come la perla, men che si vede o pi e
E. Blessed those of you old fools in love.
I. Beata chi di vecchio pazzo s'innamora.
E. Who is not a fool for love when he is young, will be one when he is old.
I. Chi non fei le pazzie in giovent le fei (Chi non s' innamora da giovane s innamora da vecchio).
E. Old in love, winter flowering.
I. Vecchio in amore, inverno in fiore.
| Contributed by: English translations, Mary Melfi; Italian text, courtesy of www.archive.org
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Italy | Date: n.d. | Notes: This entry contains Italian proverbs and sayings about love, marriage and family relationships which were originally published in Italian in the book, "L'Igiene Della Tavola, dalla bocca del popolo ossia Proverbi che hanno riguardo all'alimentazione Raccolti in varie parti d'Italian ed ordinate par Domenico Giuseppe Bernoni (Venezia: Di Giuseppe Ceccini ec., 1872). The translations were done by Mary Melfi with help from Google's free translation service, www.translate.google.com. For Giuseppe Bernoni's "Ligiene Della Tavola" visit www.archive.org.
E. When bread is missing, love is missing.
I. Quando manca il pane, manca l'amore.
E. Hunger has more strength than love.
I. La fame ha più forza dell'amore.
E. Love is a great thing,
But hunger surpasses everything.
I. L'amore è una gran cosa,
Ma la fame passa ogni cosa.
E. Weddings and macaroni,
If they're not hot, they're not good.
I. Matrimoni e maccheroni,
Se non son caldi non son buoni.
| Contributed by: English translations, Mary Melfi; Italian text, courtesy of www.archive.org
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Italy | Date: n.d. | Notes: The following Italian proverbs and sayings about love, marriage, weddings, fidelity and family relationships were originally published in Italian in the book, "Proverbi e Modi Proverbiali Italiani raccoliti da Giulio Franceschi" (Milano: Ulrico Hoepli, 1908). The English translations were done by Mary Melfi with help from Google's free translation service at www.translate.google.com. Giulio Franceschi's "Proverbi e Modi Proverbiali Italiani" is available at www.archive.org.
ENGLISH: Old husband, young wife -- many children.
ITALIAN: Marito vecchio e moglie giovane, assai figliuoli.
ENGLISH: In the war of love, the one who escapes wins.
ITALLAN: Nella guerra d'amor vince chi fugge.
ENGLISH: Love makes love.
ITALIAN: Amor fa amore.
ENGLISH: Love those who love you, and answer those who call you.
ITALIAN: Ama chi t'ama - e rispondi a chi ti chiama.
ENGLISH: Love those who love you, and those who do not love you, leave them.
ITALIAN: Ama chi t'ama - e chi non t'ama lascia.
ENGLISH: Love and feel fear (When you love greatly, you're always worried for the other.).
ITALIAN: Coli amore sta il timore. (Quando si vuol bene si teme sempre per la persona amata.)
ENGLISH: Love is born at carnival, dies at lent (Love is fleeting.).
ITALIAN: L'amore nato in carnevale muore in quaresima.
ENGLISH: When hunger walks in the door, loves goes out the window.
ITALIAN: Quando la fame entra dalla porta - l'amore se ne va dalla finestra.
ENGLISH: The love of a seafaring man lasts an hour.
ITALIAN: L'amor del marinaro dura un'ora.
ENGLISH: The love of a soldier lasts an hour (Whereever he finds a lady).
ITALIAN: L'amore del soldato dura un'ora - Dovunque va trova la sua signora.
ENGLISH: A man and a woman in a small space -- dry straw in the fire.
ITALIAN: Uomo e donna in stretto loco - Secca paglia accanto al fuoco.
ENGLISH: If you want to be loved, make yourself desirable.
ITALIAN: Se vuoi essere amata fati desiderata.
ENGLISH: If you want me to love, show desire.
ITALAIN: Se tu vuoi che ti ami, fa' che ti brami.
ENGLISH: Love and a cough cannot be hidden.
ITALIAN: L'amóre e la tosse non si possono nascondere.
ENGLISH: Love, deception and need, teach rhetoric.
ITALIAN: L'amore, l'inganno e il bisogno, insegnano la rettorica.
ENGLISH: To love and not to be love is time wasted.
ITALIAN: Amare e non essere amato è tempo perso.
ENGLISH: Love me a little, but for always.
ITALIAN: Amami poco, ma sempre.
ENGLISH: Love makes you wear broken stockings (because it can damage).
ITALIAN: Amore fa portar le calze vuote (perchè fa dimagrare).
ENGLISH: Love does not look at language, neither faith or allegiance (I.e., Love does not look at one's nationality or relgion or social position, because the heart cannot control what one feels).
ITALIAN: Amor non guarda linguaggio - né fede, né vassallaggio (cioè non guarda né a nazione, né a religione, né a posizione sociale, perché Al cuore non si comanda.).
ENGLISH: New loves come and go, and the old remain.
ITALIAN: Amor nuovo va e viene ed il vecchio si mantiene.
ENGLISH: The first love is never forgotten.
ITALIAN: Il primo amore non si scorda mai.
ENGLISH: Those who love each other well, can take a small space (because they desire always to touch each other).
ITALIAN: Chi si vuol bene, poco luogo tiene (Perché gli amanti desiderano di star molto vicini.).
ENGLISH: Love and faith -- by the work you see.
ITALIAN: L'amore e la fede - dall'opera si vede.
ENGLISH: You'll find love under wool blankets, and under satin ones (Rich or poor).
ITALIAN: L'amore si trova tanto sotto la lana che sotto la seta.
ENGLISH: The lover wants to be just, wise, prompt and secretive.
ITALIAN: L'innamorato vuol esser solo, savio, sollecito e segreto.
ENGLISH: The more one loves, the less one knows (of the other).
ITALIAN: Quanto più s'ama meno si conosce.
ENGLISH: Love warms more than a thousand fires.
ITALIAN: Scalda più amore che mille fuochi.
ENGLISH: Being of service rekindles love.
ITALIAN: Servizio riaccende amore.
ENGLISH: IT is better to be loved than feared.
ITALIAN: È meglio essere amato che temuto.
ENGLISH: Love of ladies, love of weasels.
ITALIAN: Amore di signore, amore di donnola.
ENGLISH: Those who suffer for love, don't feel pain.
ITALIAN: Ohi soffre per amor non sente pene.
ENGLISH: Where the will is ready, the legs are light.
ITALIAN: Dove la voglia è pronta - le gambe son leggere.
ENGLISH: The heart never grows old.
ITALIAN: Il cuore non invecchia mai.
ENGLISH: If one loves everyone, one loves no one.
ITALIAN: Ohi ama tutti, non ama nessuno.
ENGLISH: Love blind, but it can see from afar.
ITALIAN: Amore è cieco, ma vede da lontano.
ENGLISH: Who loves well, keeps his distance.
ITALIAN: Chi vuol bene vede da lontano.
ENGLISH: Love and jealousy were born together
59. Amore e gelosia nacquero insieme.
ENGLISH: Who loves, fears.
ITALIAN: Chi ama, teme.
ENGLISH: Love knows no measure.
ITALIAN: Amore non conosce misura.
ENGLISH: Love cannot be bought or sold.
ITALIAN: Amore non si compra né si vende.
ENGLISH: Who loves, believes.
ITALIAN: Chi ama crede
ENGLISH: Those who love don't see the truth.
ITALIAN: Chi ama il ver non vede.
ENGLISH: Those who love each other, will meet.
ITALIAN: Chi si vnol bene, s'incontra.
ENGLISH: Affection blinds reason.
ITALIAN: Affezione accieca ragione.
ENGLISH: A kiss given is never lost.
ITALIAN: Un bacio dato non è mai perduto.
ENGLISH: A kiss on the mouth often the heart cannot touch it (This is sometimes unfortunate).
ITALIAN: Bacio di bocca spesso cuor non tocca. (E qualche volta è purtroppo)
ENGLISH: Kiss of Judas.
Italian: Bacio di Giuda.
ENGLISH: There are those whose kisses one would like to see severed.
ITALIAN: V'è chi bacia tal mano che vorrebbe veder mozza.
ENGLISH: Pass by and don't kiss.
ITALIAN: Passi e non baci.
ENGLISH: Not all beauties allow themselves to be kissed.
ITALIAN: Non tutte le belle si fanno baciare.
ENGLISH: A kiss on the mouth doesn't make you lose your fortune.
ITALIAN: Bocca baciata non perde ventura.
ENGLISH: The heart is not rational.
ITALIAN: Il cuore non intende ragioni.
ENGLISH: Who does not feel does not burn (Those who don't have deep feelings don't incite others).
ITALIAN: Chi non arde non incende. (Chi nou sente profondamente non infiamma gli altri.)
ENGLISH: Who burns (with passion) is more splendid.
ITALIAN: Chi più arde più splende.
ENGLISH: You won't dance [love] well if your heart is not in it.
ITALIAN: Non si balla bene - se dal cuor non viene.
ENGLISH: The heart has more worth than blood (Friends can be more valuable than relatives).
ITALIAN: Più vale il cuore che il sangue. (Cioè valgon meglio gli amici che i parenti.)
ENGLISH: Who loses his proverty loses a lot, but who loses his heart loses everything.
ITALIAN: Chi perde la roba perde molto - chi perde il cuore perde tutto.
ENGLISH: The heart cannot be commanded.
ITALIAN: Al cuore non si comanda.
ENGLISH: One's heart is the first thing to live, and the last thing to die.
ITALIAN: Il cuore è il primo che vive e l'ultimo che muore.
ENGLISH: Out of sight, out of mind.
ITALIAN: Lontano dagli occhi - lontano dal cuore.
ENGLISH: It is better to have a pain in the pocket [regarding money] than a pain of the heart [love].
ITALIAN: È meglio un dolor di tasca che di cuore.
ENGLISH: Who does not love has no heart.
ITALIAN: Chi non ama non ha cuore.
ENGLISH: The heart of a villain is a stormy sea.
ITALIAN: Il cuore dei bricconi è un mare in burrasca.
ENGLISH: Happy heart -- great talent. Happy heart -- hears nothing. Strong heart breaks bad luck.
ITALIAN: Cuor contento - gran talento. Cuor contento - non sente stento. Cuor forte rompe cattiva sorte.
ENGLISH: The heart of a woman is divided into wedges (A woman has the ability to divide her love equally among her children.)
ITALIAN: Il cuor della donna è fatto a spicchi. (Può darne uno spicchio per ciascuno : se però lo si vuole intendere por quello della madre capace di adorare tanti figli benediciamo la sua capacità a dividersi.)
ENGLISH: Men are April when they make love (court); December after they are married.
ITALIAN: Gli uomini sono aprile quando fanno all' amore - dicembre quando hanno sposato.
ENGLISH: The beautiful get married, and so do the ugly.
ITALIAN: Le belle si maritano e le brutte.
ENGLISH: Even the lame get married.
ITALIAN: Anche le zoppe si maritano.
ENGLISH: The most beautiful marry before the others.
ITALIAN: Le belle bellezze son le prime spedite (cioè si maritano prima delle altre.).
ENGLISH: To get married, married -- sounds good but it could bring bad things.
ITALIAN: Casare, casare - suona bene e porta male.
ENGLISH: Before you announce the wedding, have a house.
ITALIAN: Innanzi il maritare, abbi l'abitare (prender moglie aenza, prima fatto la casa).
ENGLISH: He who takes a wife needs two brains.
ITALIAN: A chi prende moglie ci voglion due cervelli.
ENGLISH: The first wife takes care of her own needs, the second, expects capital, the third, she gains.
ITALIAN: Alla prima moglie ci si rimette del suo - alla seconda si sta in capitale - alla terza si guadagna.
ENGLISH: Who wants to chastise the madman, give him a wife.
ITALIAN: Chi vuol gastigare un matto gli dia moglie.
ENGLISH: Between a wife and a husband don't put a finger (Don't interfere.)
ITALIAN: Tra moglie e marito non mettere il dito (cioè non t'impicciare, o anche)
ENGLISH: It's not about how marriages are made, but how they are managed.
ITALIAN: I matrimoni non sono come si fanno, ma come riescono.
ENGLISH: If marriages were only for one year, everyone would want to do it.
ITALIAN: Se il matrimonio durasse un anno, tutti si mariterebbero.
ENGLISH: Married man -- a bird in a cage.
ITALIAN: Uomo ammogliato - uccello in gabbia.
ENGLISH: She who has a pain in his finger is always looking at it, she who has a husband is always sighing.
ITALIAN: Chi ha male al dito - sempre lo mira - chi ha marito sempre sospira.
ENGLISH: He who has a wife, has pain.
ITALIAN: Chi ha moglie, ha doglie.
ENGLISH: Who doesn't know illness and pain, should take a wife and then he'll know what they mean.
ITALIAN: Chi non sa quel che sia malanno e doglie - se non
è maritato prenda moglie.
ENGLISH: Who marries for love -- at night has pleasure, and during the day, pain.
ITALIAN: Chi si marita per amore - di notte ha piacere, di giorno ha dolore.
ENGLISH: Who marries a wife for her money, will have plenty of troubles and quarrels.
ITALIAN: Chi piglia moglie per denari, si esso sposa liti e guai.
ENGLISH: A woman who is married for love, should be kept in check.
ITALIAN: Donna che per amor si piglia, si tenga in briglia.
ENGLISH: Who breaks up the bed, breaks up the affection.
ITALIAN: Chi divide il letto, divide l'affetto
ENGLISH: Who gets married does well, who doesn't get married, does even better.
ITALIAN: Chi si marita fa bene - chi no, fa meglio.
ENGLISH: Twice a man enjoys his wife -- when he takes her, and when she leaves.
ITALIAN: Due dì gode il marito la sua metà - quando la
piglia e quando se ne va.
ENGLISH: The first year a man marries, either he gets ill or goes into debt.
ITALIAN: Il prim' anno che l'uomo piglia moglie, o s'ammala o s'indebita.
ENGLISH: The first year (of marriage) you embrace, the second, you stay awake, the third, you get misfortune and have a bad Easter.
ITALIAN: Il prim'auno s'abbraccia - il secondo si infar scia - il terzo s' ha il malanno e la mala pasqua.
ENGLISH: Fat wife, happy husband, thin wife, unhappy husband.
ITALIAN: Moglie grassa, marito allegro - moglie magra marito addolorato.
ENGLISH: There is no pot so ugly you don't find its cover.
ITALIAN: Non v'è pentola così brutta da non trovare il suo
ENGLISH: Who has a good husband, can be seen in the wife's face.
ITALIAN: Chi ha buon marito, lo porta in viso. (Vale a dire ohe il buon marito fa contenta la moglie e le se ne legge in viso la contentezza.)
ENGLISH: Beautiful wife, sweet poison.
ITALIAN: Bella moglie, dolce veleno.
ENGLISH: Who has a good horse and a beautiful wife is never without labour.
ITALIAN. Chi ha buon cavallo e bella moglie, non sta mai
senza doglie.
ENGLISH: Who has a beautiful wife does not belong to him alone.
ITALIAN: Chi ha bella moglie non è tutta sua.
ENGLISH: Who gives a young bride to an old man, gets a cradle as drowry.
ITALIAN: Chi dà una giovane per moglie a un vecchio, gli
dà la culla per dote.
ENGLISH: In the vineyard and the bride -- there is always something missing.
ITALIAN: Alla vigna e alla sposa - manca sempre qualche cosa.
ENGLISH: At weddings one cries, at funerals one laughs.
ITALIAN: Alle nozze si piange e ai mortori si ride.
ENGLISH: The beauty without a dowry will find more lovers than husbands.
ITALIAN: Le belle senza dote trovano più amanti che mariti.
ENGISH: When dowries come in, out goes freedom.
ITALIAN: Dov'entra la dote - esce la libertà .
ENGLISH: A woman's dowry never enriched a house.
ITALIAN: Dote di donna non arricchì mai casa.
ENGLISH: Who has rosy cheeks (beauty) will mary without a drowry.
ITALIAN: Chi ha le pozzette nelle gote - si marita senza dote.
ENGLISH: Neighors get the girl a husband, the father, her drowry.
ITALIAN: I vicini le maritano (le ragazze) e il padre dà la dote.
ENGLISH: Jealous woman -- dangerous woman.
ITALIAN: Donna gelosa - donna pericolosa.
ENGLISH: Jealous man -- dangerous man.
ITALIAN: Uomo geloso - uomo pericolosa.
ENGLISH: If you want a man to lie and make mistakes, make him jealous.
ITALIAN: Se vói condurre un uomo a imbarbogire, fallo ingelosire. (Imbarbogire, da barbogio: svanito di mente.)
ENGLISH: Jealousy comes from impotence -- for opinion and experience.
ITALIAN: Gelosia viene per impotenza -per opinione e per esperienza.
ENGLISH: Jealousy uncovers love.
ITALIAN: La gelosia scopre l'amore.
ENGLISH: Who is jealous is a cuckold.
ITALIAN: Chi è geloso è cornuto.
ENGLISH: Better a husband without love, than one with jealousy.
ITALIAN: Meglio il marito senz'amore, die con gelosia.
ENGLISH: Horns [Being a cockold] are like teeth -- hurt when they're coming in, but you need them to eat.
ITALIAN: Le corna son come i denti: fanno male quando spuntano ma poi servono per mangiare. (Si accoiuodi pure)
ENGLISH: Who has horns (been unfaithful to) is the last to know.
ITALIAN: Chi le porta è l'ultimo a saperle.
ENGLISH: The prudent man (nosed) man, rarely a cuckold.
ITALIAN: Uomo nasuto - di rado cornuto. (Nasuto,latinamente, avveduto, accorto.)
ENGLISH: He who loves a married woman, his life is borrowed.
ITALIAN: Ohi ama donna maritata - la sua vita tien prestata.
E. Blessed is she who falls madly in love with an old man.
I. Beata chi di vecchio pazzo s'innamora.
E. Old in love -- flower in winter.
I. Vecchio in amore - inverno in fiore.
E. Hairy man -- either strong, lustful, crazy or adventurous.
I. Uomo pecioso - o forca, o lussurioso - o matto, o avventuroso.
E. Hairy man -- strong man.
I. Uomo peloso - uomo forzoso.
E. There is no woman without love (based on, "There is no Sunday without sun.")
I. Non vi è donna senza amore.
(Vedi Sole: « Non vi è sabato senza sole ».)
E. Tell to a woman that she is beautiful and to a devil, ten times.
I. Di' a una donna che è bella e il diavolo glielo
ripete dieci volte.
E. Women and sardines are good small.
I. Donne e sardine, son buone piccoline.
E. A young woman, reserved -- a woman desired.
I. Giovane ritirata - giovane desiderata.
E. Women when they are engaged have 7 hands and 1 tongue; when they get married, they have 7 tongues, and 1 hand (Meaning before they marry women do a lot and say little, after they are married the reverse is true.).
I. Le donne quando son fidanzate hanno sette mani
e una lingua sola : quando son maritate hanno
sette lingue e una sola mano.
E. Who goes after women, loses his judgment.
I. Chi donna pratica, giudizio perde.
E. Women and fire -- don't touch a lot.
I. Donna e fuoco - toccali poco.
E. An envied youth -- virtuous or in love.
I. Giovane invidiato - o virtuoso, o innamorato.
E. Eat little, drink less -- put the break on lust.
I. Mangia poco, bevi meno - a lussuria poni il freno.
E. One has to speak with the heart in one's hand.
I. Bisogna parlare col cuore in mano.
E. In war, in hunting and in love, in one pleasure, a thousand pains.
I. In guerra, nella caccia e negli amori - in un
piacere mille dolori.
| Contributed by: English translations, Mary Melfi; Italian text, courtesy of www.archive.org
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